Customized TeleClass
For years Debra has been offering her highly acclaimed Six-Week Loan Officer Sales Training TeleClass twice a year...spring and fall. The course is always at or near capacity and consistently receives rave reviews. (See testimonials below.)
Now she has decided to take the TeleClass format one step further and offer the course in a tailor-made, customized format for individual companies.
During her 25+ year career, Debra has done a TON of customized programs for private corporate clients. In the past, they have always been done in person. However, with vastly improved technology, it is now possible to avoid the expenses of travel and extensive field work disruption by offering the course in a teleclass format. Debra does NOT do this class as a webinar for the following's been her experience that people don't pay attention as well during webinars. It's too easy to wander and get distracted by doing other things while "supposedly" watching.
Debra doesthis class in a "live", highly interactive true teleclass format. They don't see her, they have to listen, follow along in their handout materials for each session and take copious notes or they get left behind. With Debra's interactive live calls, no one dares have their attention wander because they never know when she'll be calling on them next, which she does often throughout each call. She builds many group dynamic techniques into her classes to keep participants highly engaged, having fun and learning rapidly.
Unlike the more general public teleclass where loan officers from all over the country who work for a broad variety of companies attend, the customized teleclass follows the same outline but is written in such a manner that all content is focused on the sponsoring company.
The course is customized based upon...
Who your company is and what you have to sell .
Addresses the specific sales challenges your loan officers face in their respective markets.
Focuses on the marketing tools and in-house support to which your loan officers have access.
What is the bottom line result for companies who choose to do a customized teleclass?
They will have a better trained salesforce. They will receive a sales program that has been specifically written for them and last, but not least, they are provided with a multitude of support tools to ensure the impact of the program is long-lasting.
To review the six-week course outline, click on "Course Summary" below.
Click on the link titled "Customized TeleClass Details" for information on class size, pricing and support materials included.
To schedule a phone appointment with Debra call 1-800-456-1001 and her staff will gladly assist you.