"Acting on your training and coaching has made me more successful than at any time in the 17 years I have been in the mortgage business. Your program is the best value for the money of anything I have ever done. I recommend your teleclass to anyone wishing to "get off the bench and into the game” Lyman King, Silver Ridge Mortgage, Utah
Debra's Six-Week Loan Officer TeleClass is an amazing value. Word to the wise....Debra says, "Do NOT sign up for this class if you're not willing to work." The class is limited to only 30 people at a time and, in her opinion, there's no sense in someone taking up a seat if they're not willing to participate full out. Debra's belief has always been that most people learn best by doing....not just by hearing....and this course is all about doing!!!
The standard price for the Six-Week Course is $750 per person.
If you're a loan officer you NEED this class. You'll be so glad that you gave this gift to yourself. The benefits are enormous for those who are willing to put in the work.
We look forward to welcoming you to the class.
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